In this world, time always seems to be the resource that is the most finite. We can always go back to school or bang our heads against the wall to find new ways to create abundance and find money in this world. We can make new friends when old ones move on. We can find new jobs, homes, etc. But time is the one resource that is impossible to renew. So, we have to do everything in our power to make the most of the time that we do have.
When it comes to working out, our ability to dedicate enough time to training is very often influenced by the amount of extra time we have in each day. Sure, there are some things that are inflexible in our daily schedule. Work and school, as well as family and relationship issues, come to mind. Sleep and eating are two basic necessities of life which cannot be ignored or overlooked. They gotta get done! Very often, when we are weighing the opportunity costs of which tasks to omit from our daily routines, cardiovascular exercise will be the first thing on the chopping block. This isn’t to say that cardio isn’t important. It most certainly is, in terms of both overall health as well as for shedding body fat and displaying our muscles in the best possible manner.
We all know that the logistical parts of attending the gym – from driving there to parking to waiting for machines then showering before driving back home – can take a great deal of time, that we often do not have. For this reason, many people opt for completing their cardio exercises at home. It isn’t that difficult if you just use a little bit of imagination. Here are some suggestions for effective cardio exercises at home.
First and foremost – walk! Open your door, step outside, and move as quickly as you can around your block for 30 minutes. Wear a iPod to pass the time, or just open your eyes and enjoy the world! If you prefer it (and your sinuses and schedule allow for it), consider stopping at a nearby park or public track (assuming it is in a safe area) and doing your walking there. Surely you can squeeze in 30 minutes a day for all the basic and simple benefits that walking provides.
Jump roping
Once you’re ready to bump up your intensity, add jump roping to the mix! Boxers use jump roping to prepare them for their very intensive matches, and for very good reason. Nothing builds up cardiovascular endurance and leg strength like jumping rope! You’ll find your daily walks or other cardiovascular exercises becoming much simpler if you supplement your training with rope jumping. And it’s affordable too – a jump rope will run you less than $10 and will last forever!
Stationary bike
If your budget allows, drop the $119 on a standard stationary bicycle! You can watch television while you pedal, and 30 minutes will pass before you even know what hit you! Or, choose to surf on your laptop or check your email on your mobile phone device. Stationary pedaling is great low-impact cardio which is preferable for athletes with pre-existing knee injuries which make walking and jumping rope painful at time. Pedal away, and pass the time!
Elliptical machine
If you have $300 to $500 in your budget, and believe that home cardio exercise is in your best interest, then you should very much consider adding an elliptical machine to your home equipment list! You’ll soon discover it’s an exciting way to train your entire body at once, and the results will show much quicker than would be seen with just stationary biking, which does in fact neglect your entire upper body. If you can afford it, have the room, and don’t mind building it (which is NOT always easy), check out an elliptical machine for home cardio workouts!
Stationary jumps
When time or budget factors are weighing heavily, try something as simple as stationary jumps! Done in one place in front of the television or computer, you can knock out this cardio in 5 minutes or so daily. Stand up straight, then use your knees and elbows bent to propel yourself as high into the air as possible. Land, and repeat a few hundred times! Your legs and back will be pumped, and your calves will grow like they never have before. Give jumping a shot – it’s simple but highly effective!
Yard sprints
When it doubt, air it out! If you have a yard and you have 10 to 15 minutes, you can give your thighs the thrashing of a lifetime with yard sprints! This movement is free, painless (thanks to the reduced impact on knee joints thanks to the grass) and they sure are done quickly. Measure about 40 yards worth of distance in your yard, then get to pumping those quads! The results will come quickly, and you will very likely notice a strong improvement in your midsection. The abs and particularly side abdominals, or the obliques, are targeted very specifically when sprinting. Good luck!
Cardio exercises at home are amazing, you don’t need to buy a gym membership, pack a gym bag, drive to the gym, drive home ect., you can do cardio exercises at home. The only factor is time, doing cardio workouts from home, will give you that extra time.