By Sari Harrar
You diet more than ever, but don’t weigh less. Exercise regularly, but still feel flabby. And your once perfectly fitting clothes now seem snug.
If you’re nodding your head in agreement, chances are you’re in the over-35
club. Like most members, you probably have a stay-slim formula (something like
regular walks plus no ice cream at night) that no longer seems to be
“If you never had problems losing or maintaining your weight in your 20s or
even in your early 30s, you may not be ready for what happens next,” warns
Madelyn H. Fernstrom, Ph.D., director of the Weight Management Center at the
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “Your metabolism slows by 5 percent
each decade. Compared to age 25, you’ll burn about 100 fewer calories a day at
35 and 200 fewer at 45. Do nothing, and you could gain eight to 12 pounds a
With age, muscle mass diminishes and so does your metabolic rate (the number
of calories your body burns throughout the day, whether you’re sleeping,
sitting, or sprinting to catch a bus). Making matters worse, many women
unwittingly sabotage their calorie-burning potential with crash diets,
ineffective exercise strategies, and other metabolism-busting habits.
Don’t fret yet. Although there are no magic bullets, there’s plenty you can
do to boost the number of calories your body burns every day and thus maintain
or even lose weight. Here, the six biggest mistakes you can make — and the
research-proven metabolism fixes.
Mistake: Relying on Just Your Scale
The basic ones, which only calculate pounds, can’t tell you what percentage
of your body weight is lean, calorie-burning muscle and how much is puffy,
sluggish fat. “Even a woman whose weight is in the normal range can have a high
percentage of body fat and a low percentage of muscle,” Fernstrom says. “And
the less muscle you have, the fewer calories you’ll burn.”
The metabolic difference between a pound of muscle and a pound of fat is
dramatic: Muscle burns at least three times more calories. “A woman
who weighs 130 pounds and has a healthy 25 percent body fat will burn about 200
more calories per day than a 130-pound woman with about 40 percent body fat — a
typical level for women at midlife,” says David C. Nieman, Dr.P.H., director of
the Human Performance Laboratory at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC.
“If the woman with more body fat doesn’t start modifying her diet or increase
her exercise, she could start putting on weight really fast.”
The Fix: Get an Expert to Weigh In
Visit your local gym (or a fitness center affiliated with a hospital) and
ask for a body-fat reading. “Find out whether the person who measures you has
been trained,” advises Fernstrom. People who have been certified by the
American College of Sports Medicine or who are exercise physiologists should
have training in body-fat analysis. A good way to check their accuracy: “At
your first visit, get two measurements within minutes of each other by the same
person to see how much variation there is. A little, like 2 to 3 percent, is
OK,” says Fernstrom. To track your progress, get rechecked roughly every three
You can eyeball your fat level at home, too. “If you’ve got a poochy tummy
or can pinch an inch or more of fat at your waistline or upper arm, you’re
probably carrying more body fat than you should,” Fernstrom notes.
“Anything over 30 percent should be a wake-up call to make some real
changes,” she adds.
Mistake: Crash Dieting
When you slash too many calories, you send your body into starvation mode.
“A flat-out fast will drop the average woman’s metabolic rate by at least 25
percent,” says Nieman. “If you’re on a very-low-cal regimen, in the 400- to
800-calorie range, it falls by 15 to 20 percent.” Eating fewer than 900
calories a day also prompts your body to burn desirable muscle tissue as well
as fat, which slows your metabolic rate even more.
The Fix: Shed Pounds S-L-O-W-L-Y
“If you stay within the 1,200- to 1,500-calorie range, you can still slim
down — and you’ll lower your metabolic rate only by about 5 percent,” explains
Nieman. “What’s more, about 90 percent of the weight you lose will be fat.”
Regardless of which type of diet plan you choose, be sure to include lots of
lean protein, such as chicken, fish, or lean beef. “Protein contains leucine,
an amino acid that seems to protect you from muscle loss during a diet,” says
Stuart M. Phillips, Ph.D., associate professor of kinesiology at McMaster
University in Hamilton, Ontario. Skim milk can help even more: Phillips and his
team tracked 56 men who pumped iron five days a week for three months and found
that those who downed two cups of fat-free milk soon after their workout built
more muscle — and lost more flab — than those who drank soy milk or a
flavored-carbohydrate drink. “We have evidence that the benefit is very similar
for women,” Phillips notes. “They don’t put on as much muscle as men, but they
lose more fat.”
Mistake: Only Doing Cardio
If you never challenge your muscles with strength-training moves, you’ll
lose up to five pounds of muscle each decade, reports Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D.,
fitness research director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, MA. Cardiovascular
exercise (like walking, biking, swimming, or sweating through an aerobics
class) is great for your health, but it isn’t strenuous enough to build or even
preserve much muscle mass. “Only strength training creates the microscopic
tears that prompt muscles to rebuild themselves,” explains Phillips. “Lifting
weights promotes a continual remodeling of muscle tissue. The process burns a
lot of calories.”
The Fix: Pump Iron
When women at the South Shore YMCA strength trained for 20 minutes twice a
week for 10 weeks, they added 2.6 pounds of calorie-hungry lean muscle and lost
4.6 pounds of body fat, which other research shows is likely to boost metabolic
rate by 7 percent, notes Westcott.
You should aim for about 40 to 60 minutes of strength training a week. Use
the weight room at your local gym, or exercise with dumbbells or resistance
bands at home. If you’ve never pumped iron before, sign up for a few sessions
with a personal trainer. That way, you’ll learn how to get the most out of each
move — without risking injury. And once you’ve been at it for a while, you’ll
need to increase the weight or resistance you’re using. “Often, women don’t
push themselves hard enough because they’re afraid they’ll bulk up with heavier
weights,” notes Fernstrom. “But that kind of muscle gain is unlikely because
females don’t have enough testosterone in their bodies to make muscles like men
Mistake: Sticking to the Same Exercises
If you always walk the same route, swim laps at one speed, or even have a
single strength-training routine, your muscles adapt and become so efficient
that they burn fewer calories while you work out, says Fernstrom. How to tell
when it’s time for a change? If any of the following is true: You’re not
sweating as much at the end of your routine; you don’t feel that tired after
working out; or you’re gaining weight even though you aren’t eating more or
exercising less.
The Fix: Switch It Up
Give your metabolic rate a big boost by adding a few short, fast-paced
bursts of speed to your regular walking, biking, swimming, or other aerobic
routine. Researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario found that women
who did interval workouts on stationary bikes for two weeks burned 36 percent
more fat when they completed a continuous ride afterward. The reason: “More
muscle fibers got worked during those high-intensity intervals,” says Martin
Gibala, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist at McMaster University. “When you push
hard in short bursts, it reactivates nerve fibers, builds new capillaries, and
forces your body to repair the muscle. All of that burns a tremendous amount of
calories — long after you’ve completed your session.
The best news: “You don’t have to be an elite athlete to get the benefits of
intervals,” explains Gibala. “If you’re a walker, pick up the pace for 20 or 30
seconds, then slow down to your usual pace for a minute or two. Then do it
again. Start small, with one, two, or three intervals in your walk. As you grow
stronger, add more intervals, and make them longer and more intense.”
Mistake: Eating Lightly (or Not At All) Before Noon
“Women often have one of two problems with breakfast,” says Elisabetta
Politi, R.D., nutrition director of the Duke Diet & Fitness Center in
Durham, NC. “If they overindulge at night, they don’t have much appetite in the
morning. Or they’re trying to cut calories early in the day, so they don’t eat
enough in the A.M.” Breakfast skimpers and skippers, plus women whose diet
resolve is strongest in the morning (“Just coffee and dry toast, please”),
commit the same metabolic faux pas: eating too little to flip on their
metabolism as well as vital “satisfaction switches” in the brain that register
fullness in the stomach.
The Fix: Munch on More Food in the Morning
When researchers at the University of Texas at El Paso analyzed the food
diaries of 867 women and men, they discovered a metabolic window of opportunity
for appetite control: a hearty breakfast. Study volunteers who ate a bigger
meal in the morning went on to eat 100 to 200 fewer calories later in the day.
Research from Michigan State University that tracked 4,218 people showed that
women who skipped breakfast were 30 percent more likely to be overweight. The
best A.M. filler-uppers: oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter — or “anything with fiber
and protein,” says Politi.
Mistake: Living a High-Stress, Low-Sleep Life
When things get extra-hectic, your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone,
shoot up. And that can trigger cravings for high-fat, high-carb foods, report
University of California, San Francisco, researchers. The worst part: Your body
also sends that extra fat to your waistline. Millions of years ago, this
metabolic trick might have helped cavewomen refuel after fending off marauding
mastodons. But if you’ve got 21st-century chronic stress (Job! Kids! House!
Marriage!), all that extra cortisol could land you in perpetual “pass the
Twinkies” mode.
Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on your waistline, too. When Harvard Medical
School scientists followed 68,183 women for 16 years, they found that those
averaging five hours of shut-eye per night were 32 percent more likely to gain
33 pounds than those who got seven hours a night. Those logging an average of
six hours per night were 12 percent more likely. What gives? Sleep deprivation
increases the appetite-stimulating hormone, ghrelin, and decreases the
satisfaction hormone, leptin, say researchers from the University of Chicago.
In a study they conducted, tired volunteers craved more candy, cookies, chips,
and pasta.
The Fix: Sleep More, Stress Less
Aim for at least seven hours of slumber most nights. Women who snoozed for
that long, or longer, had a lower risk of weight problems, the Harvard
researchers found. And try meditation — it could keep you in your skinny jeans.
A Canadian study of 90 meditators found that those who practiced in a group
setting for 1 1/2 hours a week for seven weeks and fit in additional time at
home had less stress and anxiety than non-meditators. Or tie on your sneakers
and go for a walk in the park or the woods: In a British study, 71 percent of
people who walked in the countryside felt less tense afterward. Other research
on the health benefits of nature backs this up: A Dutch overview confirmed that
just looking at greenery can improve well-being.
Originally published on: February 28, 2008
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